
by Four Arrows / Don Trent Jacobs,

1998-2014 Updated

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Full List of Articles and Book Chapters by Dr. Jacobs

1. Four Arrows (2005) “Plight of the Raramuri” in Environmental Justice Across the Globe, ED. Paul C. Rossier. Landham: Roman and Littlefield.
2. Four Arrows-(2005) “Indigenous Worldviews and Values,” “The Myth of the Nobel Savage,” and “Social Control and American Indians”. In The Encyclopedia of American Indian History. Ed. Steve Danforth and Bruce Johansen. Los Angeles: ABC-CIO.
3. Four Arrows-Jacobs, D. (2004) “Character Education: Coming Full Circle,” in Defending Public Schools-The Curriculum, ed by E.Wayne Ross, Praeger/Greenwood Publishers.
4. Four Arrows-Jacobs, D. (2004) “Way of the Brave” in Educating for Humanity, Heritage Institute, Seattle (other authors include Parker Palmer, Nel Noddings, Herb Kohl, Debbie Meier, Fritzoff Capra, Thomas Berry, Rachael Kessler and Chip Wood.)
5. Jacobs, D. (2003) “Forced Hegemony: Warnings and Solutions from Indian Country,” In Gabbard, D. (Ed.) Education as Enforcement: The Militarization and Corporatization of Schooling,. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2003
6. Jacobs, D (2002), “Virtue Based Curriculum: The Process,” in Tom Allen’s Creating Sacred Places, National Indian School Board Association, Washington, D.C.
7. Jacobs, D. (in press) The CAT-FAWN Connection and Partnership Education. In Eisler, R. and Miller, R. (Eds.) Caring for Life: The Essence of Partnership Education. New World Press.
8. Jacobs, D. (1999) Shamanic Initiation. In Millman, D. and Childers, D. Divine Interventions: True Stories of Mystery and Miracles That Change Lives. Emmaus, Penn.: Daybreak Books.
9. Jacobs, D. (in press) A Soul’s Healing Journey in Millman, D. and Canfield, J. (EDS) Chicken Soup for Body and Soul: 101 Stories
10. Jacobs, D. (in press) A Reservation Perspective in Militarism In Education, published by Center for Critical Pedagogy, Tel Aviv

Professional Journal Articles (representative)

1. (See 2004 list.)
2. Four Arrows. (2005) “Secret Clause in NCLB is a Killer.” Syndicated 80 newspapers nationally.
3. Four Arrows. (2005) “The Indigenous Facator in Corporate Hiring” Winds of Change.
4. White, C., Martin, J., Hays, P., Senese, G., Jacobs, D.T., Foley, J.A., Nuvayouma, D., & Riley-Taylor, E. (2003). “Confronting Tensions in Collaborative Postsecondary Indigenous Education Programs. American Indian & Alaska Native Educational Research,” ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools (ERIC/CRESS). U.S. Department of Education Web site (www.IndianEduResearch.net).
5. Jacobs, D. (2003) “Way of the Brave” in ORBIT-OISE/UT’s Magazine for Schools, Character Education Theme Issue, Canada, Vol. 33, No.2
6. Four Arrows-Jacobs, D.(Summer, 2003) “Challenging Ourselves First,” In Paths of Learning, Issue No. 17
7. Four Arrows-Jacobs, D.(Spring 2003), “Teaching From the Dream,” In Paths of Learning, Issue No.16
8. Jacobs, D. (Winter, 2003) “The Seventh What?” In Paths of Learning, Issue 15
9. Jacobs, D. (Autumn, 2002) “Coming Out of Trance,” In Paths of Learning, Issue No.14.
10. Jacobs, D. (June, 2002) “Teacher-Parent Partnerships: Making Community Education Real for Indigenous Families” in Issues in Indigenous Bilingual Education.
11. Jacobs, D. (Summer, 2002) “Stepping Stones and World Views” in Paths of Learning, Issue 13.
12. Reyhner, J. & Jacobs D. Preparing Teachers of American Indian and Alaska Native Students. (Summer, 2002), Action In Teacher Education, Vol. XXIV, No.2.
13. Jacobs, D. (, Spring, 2002) Spirituality in Education: A Matter of Significance for American Indian Cultures. In Paths of Learning, Issue 9.
14. Jacobs, D., Reyhner, J., Atleo, E., Leech, D. and Martin, J. (in press) An American Indian Perspective on Character Education. In Smith, D. (Ed.) American Indian Culture.
15. Jacobs, D. & Reyhner, J. (Jan, 2002) Preparing Teachers to Support American Indian and Alaskan Native Student Success (ERIC Digest) Charleston, WV: ERIC Clearinghouse for Rural Education and Small Schools.
16. Jacobs, D. and Chief Eagle, Dallas (in press) Addressing Behavior Issues in American Indian and Alaskan Native Education, ERIC Digest.
17. Jacobs, D. (in press) How Schools Can Heal Native American Communities in ERIC Digest.
18. Jacobs, D. (Spring 2001) On Being Indian. Red Ink. Journal of the American Indian Studies Program, University of Arizona.
19. Jacobs, D. (2001) The Red Road: The Indigenous Worldview as a Prerequisite for Effective Character Education. Paths of Learning.
20. Jacobs, D. (2001) The Indigenous Worldview as a Prerequisite for Effective Civic Learning in Higher Education. Journal of College and Character, Vol. 2.
21. Jacobs, D. (1996) Mining the Gold. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems. Vol. 4, Issue 4.
22. Jacobs, D. (1996) The Red Flags of Persuasion. ETC.: A Review of General Semantics, Vol. 52, No. 2.
23. Jacobs, D. (1994) Focus on the Positive: The Language of Treatment for Youth Who Have Sexually Offended. Caring (Journal of the National Association of Services for Children), Vol. X, No 2.
24. Jacobs, D. (1994) Lost Youth or Criminals: The Contrasting Views of Brendtro and Samenow. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems.
25. Jacobs, D. (1989) Healing Words. Journal of Wilderness First Aid.
26. Jacobs, D. (1989) Healing Words. American Survival Guide.
27. Jacobs, D. (1988) Hypnosis for Medical Emergencies in the Wilderness. Response. Journal of the National Association for Search and Rescue. Vol. 7, #4.
28. Jacobs, D. (1987) Altered States. Emergency. The Journal of the Emergency Medical Services.
29. Jacobs, D. (1987) Alarm Stress. Fire Command.
30. Jacobs, D. (1987) Vital Aid for Emergencies. California Fireman.
31. Jacobs, D. (1984) Emergency Hypnosis. Emergency Magazine.
32. Jacobs, D. (1982) Happy Exercise: An Effective Approach to Health Education for Children. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development.
33. Jacobs D. (1980) Opening Doors to Fitness. The Journal of Physical Education.

Miscellaneous Publications (non-scholarly but educational)

1. Jacobs, D. (2001) It’s Time for a Non-Violent Revolution on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Native Cultures Online Magazine.
2. Jacobs, D. (2001) Dance of Deception. Mother Jones Magazine on Line.
3. Jacobs, D. and Broydo, Leora. (2001) USSD: The Drug War Comes to the Rez. MoJo Wire.
4. Jacobs, D. (1998) Words Can Control You If You Let Them. Truth Seeker Magazine.
5. Jacobs, D. (1995) The Connection (Between Horses and At-Risk Youth) Trail Blazer Magazine.
6. Jacobs, D. (1992) Old Number Seven. Western Horse Magazine.
7. Jacobs, D. (1989) Rebel. Western Horse Magazine.
8. Jacobs, D. (1988) Head Doctor. Backpacker Magazine.
9. Jacobs, D. (1987) Communicating with Horses. Sport Horse Magazine.
(Note: As senior contributing editor for Horseman Magazine, I wrote more than 50 articles. The following are examples.)
10. Jacobs, D. (1991) Olympics Bound. Horseman Magazine.
11. Jacobs, D. (1989) Little Can Go a Long Way. Horseman Magazine.
12. Jacobs, D. (1988) The Challenged Horseman. Horseman Magazine.
13. Jacobs, D. (1988) Smoke. Horseman Magazine.
14. Jacobs, D. (1988) Smokey and the Bandit. Horseman Magazine.
15. Jacobs, D. (1988) Endurance Riding and Politics. Horseman Magazine.
16. Jacobs, D. (1986-1988) “Sharing Time Brings Closeness” in Marin Independent Journal is one of many examples of a series of relationship articles in this town’s newspaper from 1986-1988.
17. Jacobs, D. (1987) Mirror, Mirror in the Stall. Horseman Magazine.
18. Jacobs, D. (1987) A Safe Landing. Horseman Magazine.
19. Jacobs, D. (1986) Wild Horse Wrangler. Horseman Magazine.
20. Jacobs, D. (1986) Calm Training for a Wild Mustang Horseman. Horseman Magazine.
21. Jacobs, D. (1986) Powers of Endurance. Horseman Magazine.
22. Jacobs, D. (1986) Shoeing the Endurance Horse. Horseman Magazine.
23. Jacobs, D. (1986) Not a Bit. Horseman Magazine.
24. Jacobs, D. (1985) Riding in the Mind’s Eye Horseman Magazine.
25. Jacobs, D. (1985) Ten Pacing Tactics for Endurance Riding. Horseman Magazine.

Books Based on and Dedicated to my Original Research

Praeger, Judith Simon. (2002)The Worst is Over: What to Say When Every Moment Counts. San Diego: JODERE Group

Books I have been hired to edit

Motivational Methods: Teacher’s Desk Reference, Vol. I, Merrill Prentice Hall..

Keynote Addresses, speeches, workshop presentations and papers presented at professional conferences

1. “The Indigenous Factor” Feb 17, 2005. Keynote. “Finders Keepers Conference on Aboriginal Recruitment and Retention. Saskatoon.
2. “Indigenous Worldviews” .Keynote. The Urban First Nations: August 27, 2004. Dr Jacobs, Four Arrows, will present a workshop on creating a connection between wordviews and teaching virtues,address the roles of spirituality and community parents involvement in holistic education. Regina , SK
3. Sixth International Annual Gathering of the Native Nations: Puerto Rico, San Juan , April 24-30, 2004
4. North Coast Education Summit: Humbolt State University, Feb 6-8,2004: EDUCATIONAL HEGEMONY: WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW WILL HURT ALL OF US
From textbook censorship and corporate sponsored educational research to "common sense" media and subtle controls in higher education, the violence that we DO to children stems from the ideas that we BELIEVE. In this interactive conversation, examples Columbus and Helen Keller to phonics and environmental education will be exposed to help us all tune in to the deception in educational arenas. (#167) www.humboldt.edu/%7Eedsummit/index.html
5. Teaching for What? (Invited Presentation) for Tenth Annual Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Ashland, Kentucky, October 9-12, 2002
6. A Matter of Significance. (Keynote) National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools National Conference. May 9, 2002. www.ncacs.org
7. Title of Presentation: The Case for the Inclusion of an Indigenous Perspective in Character Education in session titled Culturally Responsive Indigenous Education Research: Multiple Perspectives. (co-presenter) Presented at AERA: American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA. April 5, 2002.www.aera.net
8. Keynote: What Do We Value? Challenge to High Stakes Testing in Indian Country, Hopi ,Navajo and Hawaii School Board Members Conference on Standards. Flagstaff, AZ, April 1, 2002. Native American Grant School's Conference Association.
9. Featured Speaker at International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. Jacksonville , FL. April 10, 2002. www.teachlearn.org
Keynote at National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools: May 9. 2002, Yellow Springs, OH. Antioch College. www.ncas.org
10. “On Critical Thinking,” presentation at Fielding Graduate Institute, Oct., 10, 2003, Santa Barbara, California.
11. Keynote at Character Education Through the Arts Conference, May 10, 2003, Atlanta, Georgia.
12. Invited Workshop Presentation on Primal Awareness, Denver Cluster, Fielding Graduate Institute, April 5, 2003.
13. Invited:14 workshops in 9 cities throughout Japan on Native American Perspectives on Alternative Education, May 18 through June 1st, 2003, sponsored by Global University
14. Invited presentation, “Hegemony in Social Studies,” Anti-oppressive Education Conference, June 13, 2003 sponsored by Center for Anti-Oppressive Education, San Francisco, California
15. Invited presentations: “Cooperative Argumentation in the Social Studies Classroom,” “Spirituality in Education,” “On Character Education,” three presentations accepted for national conference on democratic education, Humboldt State University on February 9, 2003
16. “Spirituality in Education,” AERA, April 24, 2003, Chicago, Ill.
17. Education as Enforcement, AERA April 25, 2003, Chicago, Ill.
18. American Indian Spirituality, AERA Conference, New Orleans, April 2002
19. Teaching for What? (Invited Presentation) for Tenth Annual Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Ashland, Kentucky, October 9-12, 2002.
20. What Do We Value? Hopi (Invited keynote) Navajo and Hawaii School Board Members Conference on Standards. Flagstaff, AZ, April 1, 2002. Native American Grant School’s Conference Association.
21. A Matter of Significance. (Keynote) National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools National Conference. May 9, 2002. www.ncacs.org
22. The Case for the Inclusion of an Indigenous Perspective in Character Education in session titled Culturally Responsive Indigenous Education Research: Multiple Perspectives. (co-presenter) AERA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April, 2002.
23. Walking in Thorny Places (co-presenter) American Educational Studies Association Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, November 2, 2001
24. Primal Awareness for Democratic Education. (workshop)2nd International Soul in Education Conference. Kauai, October 7, 2001.
25. Tribal College Leads the Way in Integrating Character Education for Teaching Preparation. (Paper) 2nd Annual Modern Native American Conference: Thoughts from the Past and Paths Toward the Future, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, August 15-17, 2001.
26. A Model for Character Education. (workshop director) Taos Day School, July 2001.
27. Radical Integration: An American Indian Approach to Character Education, Presented at: Character Plus National Conference for Cooperating School Districts, St. Louis, Missouri, July 13, 2001.
28. Colonizing Education. (Plenary) The Second Annual Conference on Militarism in Education Kibbutzim College of Education , Tel Aviv, Israel, April 29, 2001.
29. Teaching Virtues Across the Curriculum: An American Indian Perspective. (featured speaker) Presented at: the 12th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, at Jacksonville, Florida, April 17-20, 2001.
30. A Matter of Significance. 13th Annual International Conference on College Teaching and Learning (featured speaker), Jacksonville, Florida, April 10th, 2001.
31. Teaching Virtues, Keenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University, invited speaker, May 12, 2001
32. Tribal Colleges as National Leaders in Character Education. (keynote) Presented at: Heart in Education Conference, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 2, 2001.
33. New Life for an Ancient Way. (Paper) Presented at: National Association of Native American Studies, Houston, Texas, February 15, 2001.
34. The Red Road: An Indigenous Perspective on Higher Education.(Plenary) Presented at: Florida State University at the College Values Institute Conference, Tallahassee, Florida, February 9, 2001.
35. A Different Interpretation of Quality: A Challenge to Title II presented at: South Dakota Association of Colleges of Teacher Preparation, Pierre, South Dakota, January 5, 2001.
36. Panel Participant. John Dewey Progressive Educational Summit. 2000.
37. Character Education not Conformity. (paper) University of San Diego Character Education Conference. June 25, 2000.
38. New Life for an Ancient Way: Remembering Who We Are. Presented at: Principles of Ethics for Tribal Officials and Personnel, Rapid City, South Dakota, April 5 & 6, 2000.
39. Tribal Colleges as National Leaders in Character Education (keynote). Presented at: the American Indian Higher Education Conference, Cloquest, Minnesota, March 24, 2000.
40. Teaching Virtues. Keenan Institute on Character Education. Duke University, March 12 , 1999.
41. Primal Awareness. (workshop) Esalen. December, 1998.
42. Critical Pedagogy and Spiritual Dialogue: The Missing Partnership. (Paper) Pedagogy of the Oppressed Conference. University of Nebraska at Omaha, April 18, 1997.
43. The CAT-FAWN Connection. (Plenary) Fairchild Lecture Series. April 7, 1997.
44. Re-Education of Spirit for the Wellness of Self and Society. Wellness Conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, March 2, 1997.
45. The Bum’s Rush. (featured speaker) Idaho Wildlife Federation. May 6, 1995.
46. The Power of Words. Snake River Alliance. (Keynote) April 14, 1995.
47. The Selling of Environmental Backlash (keynote). National Wildlife Federation Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., March 20, 1995.
48. Positive Peer Culture. (workshop) National Association of Peer Group Agencies. Coal Valley, Illinois, October, 1994.
49. The First Communication: The Key to Effective Management. International Conference on Pre-Hospital Emergency Care. (Keynote) Brisbane, Australia. October 22, 1992.
50. Patient Communication. (Keynote) NCSCH. Bali, October 9, 1992.
51. Emergency Hypnosis. (workshop) Maricopa Hospital, Phoenix. April 13, 1992.
52. Healing Words. (featured speaker) JEMS 10th Anniversary EMS Today Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 12, 1992.
53. I also presented a number of workshops for hospital and EMS staff around the country on patient communication. 1988-1990.
54. Organizing Fitness Programs in Business and Industry. (workshop) University of California, Irvine. March, 1981; Dominican College, July 1981, Farmers Insurance, Nov., 1982.
55. Fitness in the Fire Service. (workshops presented in 1981 and 1982) Santa Barbara Fire Department, Modesto Fire Department, sparks Fire Department, San Anselmo Fire Department, Fairfax Fire Department, San Francisco Fire Department, San Jose Fire Department, Phoenix Fire Department, Los Angeles Fire department, Sausalito Fire Department, San Ramon Fire Department, Marin County Fire Department et al.

Documentary Appearances

1. (1997) The Sacred Hunt. A Film by Randall Eaton, Ph.D.
2. (1994) Half Lives. Carolyn Jourdan, Director of The Nuclear Waste Documentary Project.

Video Productions

1. Jacobs, D. (1999) The Shaman’s Message. (self-produced).
2. Jacobs, D. (1992) Hypnosis for Medical Emergencies. Glendale, Ca.: H.T.I.

Radio and Television Appearances

• Weekly educational material from OLC Education Department on KILI Radio from 1998-2001.
• Remembering by Teaching. Presented on Native American Talking with Harlan McKosato, April 25, 2001.
• Primal Awareness and the Wisdom of Indigenous Education. Presented at: Evolving Ideas Television and Evergreen College Workshop, Olympia Washington, April 10, 2001.
• Primal Awareness, on Art Bell Show nationally syndicated show, May 14, 2000.
• A number of interview programs (approximately 50) on radio stations for several of my books. 1997-2000 (Primal Awareness), 1994-1996 (The Bum’s Rush), 1988-1990 (Patient Communication).
• “The Horse Hypnotist” featured Evening Magazine television’s national broadcast (1985).

Book Reviews

• Primal Awareness in Tribal College Journal, Summer 2000, by Lori Colomed, Salish Kootenia College
• Primal Awareness in Talking Leaves, Winter 1999
• Patient Communication in Noetic Sciences Review, Summer 1991, No. 18
• Teaching Virtues, “Editor’s Choice” in The Pequot Times, Jan 2002
• Teaching Virtues in The Chronicle of Higher Education, “Building Character in the Classroom, the American Indian Way, by Dana Sobyra
• Teaching Virtues in The Journal of School Improvement by Wynona Winn, Superintendent of Schools in USD 308, Hutchinson, Kansas
• Teaching Virtues in Best Books and Resources 2001 by James Burton, June 6, 2001
• Teaching Virtues in The Dispatch, February 2002
• Ride and Tie in “Riding the Trails” in The Western Horseman
• The Bum’s Rush in The Paris News, Dec. 10, 1995 in “Rush Limbaugh’s modus operandi analyzed” Paul Cardwell
• The Bum’s Rush in The Reviewers’ Page in The New Times, September 1994
• The Bum’s Rush in E Magazine, July 1994
• Physical Fitness and Public Safety. Fire Command, July 1981.